Sps Color Shift ?


Well-known member
So i aquired this beauty from [MENTION=171]DJE[/MENTION] .. it was one of my fav and is an eye catcher with it beautiful yellow ..

this was it in january of this month ... used to recieve very high light and high flow

and this is it now .. about a week ago ...

any one else had this acro ? and see this color shift ? what do you guys think caused this shift ?

it came from MH to my leds ...
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Almost all of my acros shift over the first few months in my tank. I think its pretty common given transport, change of water condition, and change in lighting. Many of my acros nearly bleach out and then come back to full color over a few months.
Almost all of my acros shift over the first few months in my tank. I think its pretty common given transport, change of water condition, and change in lighting. Many of my acros nearly bleach out and then come back to full color over a few months.

This, and also a shift from yellow to green is extremely common in 100% LED lit tanks. This is even more prevalent in tanks which run a very blue LEad spectrum. FWIW, I don't see any yellow in either of those photos. Just lighter/neon green in the first and darker green in the second. May be my iPhone screen or the photos themselves though.
Almost all of my acros shift over the first few months in my tank. I think its pretty common given transport, change of water condition, and change in lighting. Many of my acros nearly bleach out and then come back to full color over a few months.

well this has been the same color for the first 2-3 months .. i got this guy first week of november and the first pic is mid january ..

only thing i did change is the location from high light high flow to medium light high flow ..oh and another thing is i moved a torch coral adjacent to it and it brushing acro constantly ..

can stress cause this kind of coloration change ? and now that i moved the torch away hopefully its original color comes back ?
Almost all of my acros shift over the first few months in my tank. I think its pretty common given transport, change of water condition, and change in lighting. Many of my acros nearly bleach out and then come back to full color over a few months.

well yea not yellow probably .. a very florescent green with blue/purple tips to a grey bodied acro with green polyps ...
i hve other acros which remained yellow ..actually changed to yellow from brown/green .. for example aoa banshee .. got it as a dark green colored acro which is not creamish yellow green ..
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Brown/dark green to yellow(ish) is more of a function of a browned out coral releasing excess zooxanthallae rather than a pigment shift in the zooxanthallae.
you told me just recently you actually set your lights to 30% intensity and left it there for a few weeks...it's possible that change was enough to cause it to shift...IME yellows need high intensity to stay yellow and also lower nutrients than other colors
you told me just recently you actually set your lights to 30% intensity and left it there for a few weeks...it's possible that change was enough to cause it to shift...IME yellows need high intensity to stay yellow and also lower nutrients than other colors

that is true but i dont think this is to do with the light ... i mean lower light should turn it more darker or brown ??

im not being able to express properly i think .. but if you see the below pic ( from a while ago .. ) the tip is blue/purplish right ... now the whole thing is that color except like a tint of grey added to it .. may be this is how the coral grows ? or im seeing growth all over ?
