SPS corals do not seem happy. PLEASE HELP

When i upgraded from my BC29 to my 65 Gallon i only had a red monti, and a blue digi frag for sps. Fairly easy and were doing great in the BC29. Since i've upgraded i added a pink ORA milli, a red planet milli, and an orange tort, i've noticed that the polyps on the digi and the milli's have not been extending out as they were in the BC29. My lighting has changed from a Kessil a160 to a Maxspect Razor 160w 27". I recently upgraded the lenses from stock to the 120 degree lenses to get more coverage. I do about a 15% water change every week. I have a RO 150sss skimmer. My parameters are on point and i've managed to maintain my alk & ca since starting to dose Seachem 2part. As far as flow i have a rw8 powerhead and a wp10 in the main display and a jebao dc6000 for return at about 60% power.
I have 0 ammonia and Nitrite, 5ppm nitrate, 0 phospates, alk 9dkh, ca 420ppm. pH is at 8.2 Tested as of yesterday at 4pm

I'm not sure where to start to make these sps corals happy.
I don't keep much SPS so I'm just guessing. Was the change in PE around the same time as the change from stock lenses?
Could you get an lfs to double check your parameters, especially the salinity? A test kit might be off. Double check for any metal in the tank. Ground it.
Also did you quarantine? Check for pests. But when you say digi also lost the polyp extension, that's unlikely to be from pests.
Could you get an lfs to double check your parameters, especially the salinity? A test kit might be off. Double check for any metal in the tank. Ground it.

Yes I have a refractometer to test salinity and it's been at a steady 1.024. I'm thinking it is my test kits. I'm using Api. And I know they are not the greatest of kits. I want to order a salifert kit as soon as possible.

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Also did you quarantine? Check for pests. But when you say digi also lost the polyp extension, that's unlikely to be from pests.

I didn't quarantine. I do dip. I've checked for pests but do not notice anything unusual on any of the corals. I went to a Lfs last night and they said my alk was at 7dkh but they use a Api kit as well so i don't know

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I didn't quarantine. I do dip. I've checked for pests but do not notice anything unusual on any of the corals. I went to a Lfs last night and they said my alk was at 7dkh but they use a Api kit as well so i don't know

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Have you seen pests before? Do you know what to look for?
It's not that common, but low potassium is known to cause poor PE on Montis/Digis. Potassium should be around 400. I sent my water in to Triton to be tested and I think it was around 350 or so. I dosed some K and noticed better PE on my montis.

Dont get crazy with K though. Most tanks get sufficient K from feeding.