SPS Frag Question


Premium member
So I have recently started to buy SPS frags here and there. I have a few that I bought (Red Tabling Acro, Candlestick Acro, and Leng Sy Cap) that have encrusted more and started to grow. On the other hand I have noticed that a few corals (Lime in the Sky and Deswalli) did not. Instead the base, that was encrusted when purchased, has started to turn white. It seems to be receding slowly up the frag, but it does not look like RTN as the flesh is still there. Therest of the coral white part up is still colored very nicely. Is this something to be worried about?

PH- 8.2
ALK - 9.3
Calcium - 435
MG - 1380

All frags are dipped in CoralRX before entering the tank.

not an expert by any means, BUTTTTTTT, if your perams are in check, and you didnt do anything different to the tank, my first inclination would be placement. Are these frags all in the same general area? I know flow is a contributing factor in the the health of the flesh of the coral. perhaps they are in a dead spot? a pic of your tank showing the location of these frags could help. Could be AEF's, not sure if coral RX kills them or not, i heard Flatworm exit is good for them. you could also check your niTRATES and see what those are. Some SPS are more sensitive to the nitrate levels than others.
Those parameters look fine. Are they steady at these numbers. How about temp? Salinity? PO4? Nitrate? Sounds like STN and the coral is probably a goner. You can cut off the dead part to keep it from spreading.

I've got a green stag (maricultured) that has been doing what you described for about a month. I've had it for at least eight months, so I'm not sure what made it mad? Some corals are just more sensitive.
Check for pests like AEFW (easiest way to tell is small egg clusters or white bite marks typically on the underside of the coral) or red bugs as their eggs can make it through any dip. If you superglued the ,base of the frag recently that has caused tissue to recede for me in the past. Steady parameters is key when talking SPS, the less fluctuation the better.
The Deswalli I did knock off the plug and had to reglue 2 weeks ago. The Lime in the sky was on my sand bed and that is when I noticed the die off. It does look like STN, I really hope its nothing else, I moved it about 2 days ago up to the top of the tank where there is heavy flow. Do I still need to re cut it further up? I will check my other perams tonight, but they have been pretty Stabile for a few months.

I two part dose everyday and my Cal, Alk, and MG have been the same for about a month now, so they have been stable since the coral has entered my tank.
If you cut the frag you need to cut at least 3/4"-1" above the Stn line. If you do not cut enough the frag will continue to die. Learned that the hard way when my softball size blue tenius got Stn. I ended up with 3 1" frags.
Might be not enough light lime in sky is a high light coral if im not mistaken. Never heard of other one though. I seen corals do this when nit enough light specialky under leds . Leds being so directional sometimes the base just get shaded and turn white. Also if u haveing temp swings that can be a issue with sps. Some take the swings ok some dont. So if u tank dropping at night and raising during day that could be your issue