Just keep in mind that "Plum Crazies" is more like "Nike" than "Running Shoe". You may already be aware, but some people get nuts over all this branding in corals. The main gist (AFAICT anyway) is that certain respected "growers" hand select a bunch of pretty coral and then pick one that can tolerate aquarium life and call it something creative, say "Justin's Bustin Grape Acro". After they have had it long enough to have that confidence they start to sell it as a limited edition (LE) piece for a premium price. From there it sort of goes like apple launching iphone6 (if the grower has enough cache). The problem is, they aren't MAKING these corals, so if some Tahitian fisherman sends the same coral to Wayne's House-O-Coral, well then Wayne has a bit of a moral dilemma. He could sell it as "Justin's Bustin Grape Acro" (we'd be calling it JBGA or something cool at this point) and charge $75.00 a 1/2 inch for it, or sell it as a purple acro and make $40 a mini. How these special "growers" establish cache is beyond me but I would imagine having lots of money is key, I tend to believe it's sort of an "Emperor's new clothes" sort of a thing, but my point in this blathering is that if you call a piece "Plum Crazy" or "Red Dragon" you'd better be ready to show "lineage" or people will crawl all the way in one way and out the other on you. How do you prove lineage? You reference the thread or e-mail chain that led to your acquisition and you hope your buyer believes the chain (I'm fuzzy on this point). This isn't to say you were going to anything like any of this, but I've been doing this a while and still scratch my head at this whole part of the hobby of course I eat food that comes in packages with only the names of the food on the too. I'd be curious if any of our resident LE aficionados would add anything I may have missed in this description.