sps problem help!!!!!!!


New member
OK guys I have a little frustrating problem I have a lot of Sps corals as well as lps corals that are booming and then once in a while ill get a frag that does great and then it starts to whiten up From the bottom up slowly. I don't think its getting bleached cuz I think if it was getting bleached it would be from the top down right? Is it a type of worm? If it is what can I do about it? Can I save it or already to late?? Help me to figure this out???????????
Rapid Tissue Narcosis RTN

We all deal with it, and it stinks. I am not an expert on it, but you can find a wealth of information on it by googleing the terms.
Hi Richie,most likely you need more flow.SPS need oxygenated water to flow around,if not they slowly start dying,just the way you're describing.Try to re position your powerheads or rock ,so water flow more freely.For this piece of coral I would just frag it ,so RTN doesn't spread.
For now, I would frag the dying coral about 1 inch into the still living tissue and glue the frags.

How good are you on keeping alkalinity stable?
Do you notice any small circles near the part thats dying?
The circles would look like this:
It looks kinda like that Greg. Calcium 500. Mag.1430. Alk is good too. Is it a type of bug??? I think I have enough flow. I know that sometimes things don't go well in a tank. That's part of the hobby. I just want to know why this is cuz its frustrating not know what it is
Strange. Your Calcium & Mag seem okay. What is your actual Alk reading? Phos? 'Rates & 'Rites? Salinity? Temp? Flow rate? Lighting? Are all of these params stable? How do you keep them stable?

Unfortunately, there seem to be many factors that can/do cause problems in your tank. Helping members a little more with whats in your tank & water chemistry will help us to give you the proper advise.

For now the best advise I can give for now is NO drastic changes!
Yeah ik it irritates me cuz my other Sps colonies are doing great. But that's the way it goes in this hobby sometimes. I do know that I have no type of worms or bugs. I examined my coral with a magazine. Glass and don't have them. I wonder if is because maybe a lack of flow in a particular part of my tank
RTN sucks. Nothing you can do about it once it starts but frag. No one really knows the cause but it is believed to be contagious to other corals that are very close. Good luck!
My 1st RTN... Was my wifes favorite SPS.. (Tiff393) No control and was fast. We still have a small pc, but might have it still :mad:

