St Thomas


New member
I just got back from St Thomas. Did 6 dives there. I definitely got spoiled diving in the Philippines. The Caribbean is soooo disappointing, compared to 15 years ago! Most corals are brown. Way less fish. Mostly juvies. I was able to grab a few sun corals. I had a yellow/green welso brain in my hand (palm-sized) & decided against it. Considered going back for it twice but chickened out. Now I'm obsessed & could kick myself for not taking it! LPS ship the best, IMO. I wish I could find some good zoas out there.

I did see octopus on 3 out of 6 daytime dives, so that's a record! I also saw a HUGE nurse shark at the beginning of the 1st dive. It seemed so calm laying on the reef, I could have pet it.
I didn't bring my camera for just 6 dives. Already knew this diving would pretty much be a bust, after the Philippines. I did see a juvie Spotted Eagle ray when snorkeling though.