I'm adding middle supports and a finished plywood top to the stand to answer that ? . I decided to go with a bigger stand for allot of reasons. One I'm adding a big sump / refugium and a fresh water auto top off under the stand. Two I'm thinking of incorporating two additional tanks on each side of the tank, a second tank next to it for a hospital tank and one as a display refugium.Three when I plan to go to a bigger tank I wont have to build another stand. Four I have extra space for ventilation. Further more I still have allot of work to do on the blue print setup finalization. Brain storming ideas on a daily basis nothing is final until I add water to the tank, till then I'm not 100% sure how I want the display to look but at least I have allot of ROOM to work with. I'm up for suggestions , I will be updating the tank build on a daily basis starting 9/12/2013