Starfish Death


Yesterday when I got home I noticed my small Tile star (Fromia sp?) was in the same place it was in the morning. Upon further review it noticed that tips were starting to disintigrate. I pulled it out and it was definitely dead. There was no trauma. All of my paramaters are dialed in (Or at least not registering on API Marine and reef courses). The star was in there for over 10 days and everything else seems very happy. I am winning against my HA so some of that is rotting off. Should I be worried about anything else? I don't have a pic. This is my first loss and I am pretty concerned about it:a11:. I sort of thought starfish were tougher than other inverts, but I have probably had major O2 swings while fighting this algae. Any thoughts?
Starfish usually don't have the right foods in our tanks,so they starve at times,i've had the same thing happen in the past,they start to disintegrate,maybe its a disease?I wouldn't worry about it.
Actually IMO starfish can be some of the most difficult inverts since they sometimes need such specific needs. Keep an eye on your parameters. Starfish release stuff when they die/are dying. I would run a little extra carbon just to be on the safe side.
Keep an eye out on the tank. I had a Fromia a couple months ago that died. He was also disenegrating. My corals did not like it at all. Not sure if it released a toxin, but my coral closed up for a good week. After numerous wc everthing was back to normal.
Thanks folks. That actually made me feel a ton better and it may explain why the LFS guys sort of laughed at me when I asked for it. I am running a carbon/phosban reactor and I found it when it was just the very tips that were disintigrating so I hope I don't have any toxins. I'll do a couple 5 gal WCs tonight to be sure. Thanks again and lesson learned.
I have 2 starfish in my tank. sandsifting and redblacktip starfish. I have them more than 3 months. they are doing feeding at all..they look good and healthy..
I bought a sand sifting star and it did the same thing after a week. I have another starfish that Ive had for a couple of years and it looks great and is all over my tank and seems happy. Think it's just bad starfish we are getting sometimes. I also have a 12 inch or larger bristle star and it is happy in my tank also and doing great for over 2 years now.
Most stars have a very poor long-term success rate in captivity. 3 months is nothing... Longest I ever kept a blue linkia was 3 years. I won't purchase any stars other than serpents & brittle anymore.
U should try a sandshifting starfish.. It'll help ur lawnmower blenny with some of the algea... I knw mine eat its the tiny hair algea on my one roc that keeps growing.. Had mine for bout a month now..