Starting my first 90 gallon - Intro


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Hello everyone,

My name is James and I live in Chicago, IL within the Hermosa area. I started my journey in the saltwater hobby around December of 2016 well I was living in Lexington, KY. I started off with a 32 Gallon Biocube as I thought this would be great size tank for a noobie in the hobby. Now that its been a year I thought I would upgrade my tank to a 90 gallon tank with a sump. I was also able to pick up a brand new Innovative Marine 20 gallon drop off tank on Ebay for around 80 bucks before I bought my 90 gallon and I thought I would also set that tank up. I have yet to setup my 90 tank as I am not sure how to plumb the system and I would need help or advise from fellow reefers. I am used to all in one tanks as my Biocube was a AIO system. Any reefers on here that are plumbing pros and provide plumbing services please let me know and send me a PM as I rather use less electric pumps to power my system. I have already setup the 20 gallon drop off tank and have cycled the system but dealing with lots of hair algae and thinking of getting a sea hare to help the fight against it. Below you will find my current equipment list for each tank. Is there any local fish meeting here in Chicago were fellow reefers actually meet as I would be interested in meeting and talking fish. Any recommendations as I am all ears?

Aquarium:SunSun 90 Gallon aquarium with sump
Lighting:Orbit Marine 48"- 60" IC LOOP PRO Dual LED System
Skimmer:Macro Aqua
Water pump:2 eFlux Wave Pumps 1050 gph
Heater:Havent Purchased
Return Pump:Qty. 1, eFlux DC Flow Pump 1900 gph
Reactor:2 BRS Deluxe Reactor with 2 MJ1200 pumps
Algae Scrubber:Santa Monica RAIN2
ATO:Innovative Marine Hydrofill Ti

Aquarium:Innovative Marine 20 Gallon Drop Off aquarium
Lighting:Aqua Illumination Prime HD LED
Skimmer:Innovative Marine Ghost Skimmer Desktop
Water pump:Hydor Koralia Nano Pump (Will replace with my MP10QD)
Heater:Cobalt Heater
Return Pump:Qty. 1, eFlux DC Flow Pump 1900 gph
Reactor:Innovative Marine MiniMax Reactor Desktop
Basket:2 Innovative Marine CustomCaddy baskets
Basket:2 Innovative Marine Spin Stream's
ATO:AutoAqua Smart ATO
Nice start I love the drop of style tanks very unique and far as your hair algae goes what are your water parameter that will help us gague what is going on as well as what is your lighting schedule how long are you running them what intensity. How often are you doing water changes These are just some questions that will help to start trying to fix your issue

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I got my fusion 20gl innovative marine and got the package that included reactor skimmer dripper and spin - let me tell you something they are a crap skimmer no great there is better option like tunze or aquamaxx also mini max reactor crap so i got one from aquatics and works great just my 2 cts

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Welcome aboard. I would look at my level's for the answer for the algae. Start with good water, RODI, then keep everything else in check, excess nitrates, phosphates etc. Algae is a symptom, look for the root cause. Also look at your current lighting program. Good luck with the 90, looks like it will be a nice one...
Yes I love the drop of style from IM. I will be posting updates today of my current levels as that picture of uploaded is kinda of old and don't have crazy algae hair anymore. When it comes to the lights they turn on at 7:00 am and start to dim through out the day and turn off at 11:00 pm. There has been more algae growing on the live rock and acrylic walls. I have not done the proper waters changes but will start to as I know I should be doing 25-50% weekly on a smaller tank so I do blame myself on that. I am trying to setup up my RODI system at the moment so I dont waste more money on water at the store.

Nice start I love the drop of style tanks very unique and far as your hair algae goes what are your water parameter that will help us gague what is going on as well as what is your lighting schedule how long are you running them what intensity. How often are you doing water changes These are just some questions that will help to start trying to fix your issue

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The ghost skimmer from IM is working like a champ for me and I am currently using a tunze on my biocube. The mini max reactor has been okay but may replace in the future by chance do you have a link to the aquatucs one you bought for your t

I got my fusion 20gl innovative marine and got the package that included reactor skimmer dripper and spin - let me tell you something they are a crap skimmer no great there is better option like tunze or aquamaxx also mini max reactor crap so i got one from aquatics and works great just my 2 cts

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Thank you!
Welcome to the board, looks like a great start.

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Thank you! Working on updating level today so I can get better advise :) and will also work on the lighting as there is so many settings for the Aqua Illumination Prime.

Welcome aboard. I would look at my level's for the answer for the algae. Start with good water, RODI, then keep everything else in check, excess nitrates, phosphates etc. Algae is a symptom, look for the root cause. Also look at your current lighting program. Good luck with the 90, looks like it will be a nice one...
Yes I love the drop of style from IM. I will be posting updates today of my current levels as that picture of uploaded is kinda of old and don't have crazy algae hair anymore. When it comes to the lights they turn on at 7:00 am and start to dim through out the day and turn off at 11:00 pm. There has been more algae growing on the live rock and acrylic walls. I have not done the proper waters changes but will start to as I know I should be doing 25-50% weekly on a smaller tank so I do blame myself on that. I am trying to setup up my RODI system at the moment so I dont waste more money on water at the store.
Well first problem is you are running your lights way way to long to start with..and yea water changes will help out alot I do about 5 to 7g water change every week some people do biweekly I just find it easier for me to do it every week so that I'm replenishing all calcium, alkalinity, and mag

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What is good setup for time frame for a smaller tank this size? 8-8 pm? I just like to have my lights do a sun raise to sunset settings and then some blue lights for night time before they go completely off.
The ghost skimmer from IM is working like a champ for me and I am currently using a tunze on my biocube. The mini max reactor has been okay but may replace in the future by chance do you have a link to the aquatucs one you bought for your t

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Thank you!

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Thank you! Working on updating level today so I can get better advise and will also work on the lighting as there is so many settings for the Aqua Illumination Prime.


Works like a charm

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Finally did some testing on my current tanks well I still build out the 90 gallon. Please do not judge me as I have not tested before and I am trying to get more into the habit. After my test results looks like I need to do some water changes but any advise to bring my levels to the right target would be helpfully from the experts. I also have this Sailfin/Algae Blenny that I will need to get rid of soon as he took care of my algae hair problem but I don't think I have enough food source now in the tank to keep him so I am willing to sell or trade him for a coral.

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20 Gallon Innovative Marine
• Ammonia – 0
• Nitrite – 0.1
• Nitrate – 5
• Calcium – 495
• Magnesium – 1485
Hanna Checker:
• Phosphate – 0.43
• Alkalinity– TBD (Waiting on reagent to arrive)

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View attachment 23435
32 Gallon Biocube
• Ammonia – 0
• Nitrite – 0.1
• Nitrate – 50
• Calcium – 480
• Magnesium – 1470
Hanna Checker:
• Phosphate – 0.98
• Alkalinity– TBD (Waiting on reagent to arrive)
Here are my water parameters
32 Gallon Biocube
• Ammonia – 0
• Nitrite – 0.1
• Nitrate – 50
• Calcium – 480
• Magnesium – 1470
Hanna Checker:
• Phosphate – 0.98
• Al – TBD (Waiting on reagent to arrive)

20 Gallon Innovative Marine
• Ammonia – 0
• Nitrite – 0.1
• Nitrate – 5
• Calcium – 495
• Magnesium – 1485
Hanna Checker:
• Phosphate – 0.43
• Al – TBD (Waiting on reagent to arrive)
I bought mine from A Aquatic Works. I have provided the address and phone number below. From my last visit, they also have a black stand now but I think it only comes in a 90 and 60 gallong size. I also seen the tank on display filled with water at Coral Reef Pet Center in Norridge IL

Address: 330 Melvin Dr # 7, Northbrook, IL 60062
Phone: (847) 564-9675

Who sells these tanks locally? Interested in checking them out in person.