Steelwrap's 75


I'll TRY to keep this short. In Jan. I upgraded from a 55 to a 75 non RR (rethinking that already). Equipment aqueon 75 gallon tank(new) and homemade stand. used ? pounds established live rock and 70# new sand.
2 korilia 750 and an mj 1200
tlf 150 reactor currently using phosguard (see alk issue below) w/mj 900
current usa 4 bulb t5 (no comment) with ati coral plus and blue plus & current 12000k and 460nm atinic
hydor heater
reef octo bh2000 skimmer, (can only compare it to my old cpr pakpak) this thing is a beast
brs 75 gpd 4 stage value plus ro/di.
IO salt switching to Reef Crystals mixing 50/50 til IO is gone
Fish: O.clown, firefish, sleeper goby, yellow clown goby, royal gramma, six line 2- pj cardinals, 4- black/gold chromis and a smallish hippo tang (I know I know I didn't buy it or put it in)
corals I'll mention below
Everything went great til May, everything happy and healthy just not much growth except for my hammer popped a couple new heads So I'm switching bulbs over to ati as they get old. Also started testing for the first time ever with red sea pro and levels were all good. For reasons unknown even to Me I let a layer of carpetlike algae grow on the back wall so to further "improve" My tank I scraped it off and started running gfo in a reactor. Some corals were turning white I assumed from lower phos. levels after about 2 weeks I posted about it and was told to check alk as gfo can strip it (?) sure enough it was down to below 5dkh.
So far as for corals I lost my hammer, blastos, xenia, leather, chalice, gonipora and maybe moon coral(its still lite green but don't know if its alive)
Surviving corals: My Duncan started as 3 heads and popped out 2 more, green and red shrooms, ric and 4 types of polyps/zoos. Ive since bought a leather to keep my clown goby off the Duncan. Unfortunately wifes job has been real slow so letting things simmer and watching my levels till I can get some extra cash to start buying more. That's My story and im sticking to it. I'll get some pics up soon.
Sorry for the loss of corals Jeff. Hopefully parameters get back in order for you and it takes off again. :)
keep those skeletons until they are growing green. It's amazing what can come back in this hobby (unless you already chucked them then they were definitely way dead). Good luck man. Losing stuff is hard, but it teaches a lot.
Yes regular water changes, no problems til the alk dropped. Forgot to add since this happened having an issue with algae on rock and diatoms even though Im running the phosguard. My alk seems to level out at 7.8 dkh I would like it higher as this is towards the low side but, maybe I should just monitor it to see that it stays there instead of dosing baking soda.
Do you still have those little "cluster" dusters or whatever they are called these days? I haven't seen those in years, very cool.
Yeah they can get out of control lol, wouldn't mind having some for the back of my tank. I had them cover the entire back of my tank in the late 80's, enjoyed them ;)
Last tests came out:
alk 7.8 dkh
ca 390 got some brightwell calcion Im starting to dose
mag 1390
salinity 1.025
phosphate .03
nitrates at point 2 seachem kit don't like it
Been a while since I posted. Tank is doing well. Stopped chasing numbers and watch My livestock and it's working for Me. Everything is growing and multiplying. Never had much growth in previous tanks and this one in the beginning. Spent summer like most of Us not giving tank full attention, guess it's time to get serious again.
Got eggs from my ocelleris and Picasso clown twice, don't have a second tank so I guess they became snacks for the other fish.

Hers a few pics

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