Sterilite bin test


Well-known member
Was wondering if any one else has used a plastic sterilite bin to store corals/ and fish b4.. I was looking for an alternative way to store fish and corals while i redo my tank and i found one cheap at a local thrift store for $2 bucks..

I water tested it in my bath tub.. So far so good. Just worried on if the plastic can hold water for a week or 2 if its half filled up

Heres a pic of it.. It holds about 53 L of water
Contact the manufacturer, if its water potable you're good to go. I know freshwater people convert these to sumps all the time, but I'm not sure about salt.
That's what I use for my RODI storage vessel and I haven't had any problems. Careful trying to drill it though. I broke three of them trying to put a spigot and inlet with float valve on it.
Contact the manufacturer, if its water potable you're good to go. I know freshwater people convert these to sumps all the time, but I'm not sure about salt.

Will do.. I'm doing an over night test on it in my bath tube to see how it holds the water.. I'm crossing my fingers lol
God forbid I do, but if I set up another tank, I think I'd try and make a sump out of this instead of a tank. It seems like it could have a lot of potential.
God forbid I do, but if I set up another tank, I think I'd try and make a sump out of this instead of a tank. It seems like it could have a lot of potential.

Baffles would be tough but you could put a small one inside a larger one.
If the dang bins were flat edged they would be impossible to get out of the mold.. Just an FYI I used to design plastic parts for injection molding. They are always going to have an angle. The angle will be consistent so if you make a jig for your tablesaw you will be able to reuse it for a bunch of baffles and sumps. The additional ridges will be for strength. I would think you would want to bridge the sides or make some kind of eurobrace to keep the sides feom bowing. If the sides are flexing at all they will eventually crack and leak so I am not sure they are a safe long term solution for a reef tank with varying currents. Too much coffee guys sorry for the long post.