Stock list opinions


Well-known member
So finally got all my stuff moved to the 40 breeder and wow I got a ton of space lol.. So was just wondering what do u thnk regarding current stock right now and do u thnk it's a good idea to add more fish and if what fish do u suggest

Stock list:
2" Yellow Tang
1.75" Kole Tang
2 Yellow Tail Blue Damsel
Less than 1" Blue/Green Chromis
Cleaner Wrasse
Ora Tiger Goby

Less than 1" cleaner shrimp
Less than 1" peppermint shrimp
Sand sifting starfish
Serpent star
3-4" Rock flower nem
Red bubble tip anemone

I have a melenarus wrasse about 2-3" in a 10g qt/hospital/isolation tank.. Do u thnk it's a good idea to add the fish or no?

Plan to maybe add if I can:
Spotted Mandarin Dragonnette
Naked or platinum clown
Ora tiger goby or a watchman goby
Can't help out sadly, I mean, it looks solid so far, and I will be looking for input on my own stocking list myself here shortly! I think what complicates this is that everyone has different levels they are comfortable stocking to. That, and your rock work has a large effect on how many fish homes are created (if they are fish that sleep in the caves / crevices), or if certain fish prefer swimming space, etc... So, umm, according to my completely noob opinion, it looks good? :) Lol... I'll have to come up under the pretence of buying some more zoas /plays and check it out! Once my QT is done :(

Also, was I the only one who was thinking of a completely different kind of stock & options here? Still too close to taxes I suppose....