Stocking the tank!


New member
So we are getting closer and closer to it being time to stock the tank! We (dtrm and I) have a 75 g display tank and (2) 29g that will either be frag, fish or one of each.
The build.

What are some of your favorites, that you suggest we add?

Thanks in advance:thumb:
Tiger shark!! :dance: J/K(obviously) I would say it comes down to personal liking/preference. You can't really do tangs or super active fish. I personally like Gobies, blennies, smaller wrasses and Aloooooooot of coral!!! Just be carefull when picking fish because not everything is reef safe if that is the way you are going or get alont with everything. You should check out LA for ideas on fish and compatabilities.
I myself love Lawnmower blenneys. They have a face only a mother could love and such a personality...

Maybe. Nice school of blue green reef chromis... a nice school!
I say start with some Green Chromis. They're cheap and look awesome when they school in the tank. Have you checked out Reefplus yet?
I got 5 blue green chromis that I'm thinking about selling for $10 for all 5. I got them at they do make a nice school.
I would suggest to get the hardiest and most peaceful, i.e. Clowns, chromis, gobies, etc. Once established, then maybe start looking at more territorial ones, i.e. Tangs, angels, etc... Gotta put the peaceful ones in first to start the pecking order.