Our selection of Premium Corals is INSANE right now!
Today, Friday and Saturday: All Corals are 20% OFF, some are more, some are Special priced!
Incredible Rainbow Lobos, Beautiful Symphyllia, Special Scolys, Unique Meat Corals, Aussie Gold Torches, Aussie True Orange Hammer, Blue tip gold Hammer, what we call Holy Grail Torch from Aussie (gold with green inside and colored tips/super rare!) and more! There is a lot more than what you see on the picture!
We also have a huge assortment of frags! Rainbow Acans, Euphyllia, Goniopora, Zoas, Mushrooms, Leathers, Monitpora and more!
We still have about 150 Rock Flower Nems and they are also on SALE! Coloring up nicely and growing! At this point they are bullet proof!
We have 20+ healed red Goniopora frags on sale for $60! A few larger frags are on sale for $90!
Very nice Rainbow and Black Widow BTAS!
Medium size purple/blue tip Elegance Corals $50!
Message us to schedule an appointment. Hours are super flexible!
Happy Reefing Guys and Gals!