

Premium member
Can someone tell where I can get a sump made for me locally? Starting a 125g rr and would like to know how much will I be looking at price wise? thanks for your time.
This is my brand new sump made by Anthony at Nano Sea Creations. He made it EXACTLY how I wanted it and I couldn't be happier. He's very easy to work with, and the price was great. It was finished in 1 1/2 weeks after he started. It's 34"L X 17" D X 16" H under a 75G tank. You can't see them, but there are two filter socks behind the skimmer.

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Anthony at Nano Sea is the way to go if you are looking for something custom. Otherwise you could use a standard size tank and partition it off yourself.
Wait for a Petco $1 per gallon sale and I can make you an awesome 40 breeder sump for $100 parts included. It will have a good size return, huge fuge, huge skimmer area, and probe/thermometer holders as well as dosing/top off holders. Even bubble tubes if you want.
Thanks everyone for your help I will more likely be getting one from nano sea creations!