Taking Pictures w/ LEDs?


New member
Picked up a 36" LED Gamma/Hybrid from Gus/Prestige-LED lastnight - Just playing around with it, WOW! I'm seeing colors come out/pop in corals i never saw before! Obviously, cameras have no idea how to read the LED light ... I was wondering if someone could give me some pointers on the proper camera settings. My buddy has a Nikon SLR D40 that we were trying to mess around with.

Needless to say my male mel. wrasse flipped out at the new LEDs due to constantly seeing his own reflection. He kept flashing, bolting at the glass and trying to bite it. Horrible iPhone video, this is even after he 'calmed down' a bit.

It's better to just shoot in RAW mode and post process, has always worked flawlessly that way for me shooting under led lights. White balance doesn't matter in RAW because its the software that allows you to set the white balance later.