Tang in 15 g nano??


Just kidding tang police, calm down. :p

I joined recently,
never joined a reef forum so I guess this means im in deep now.

Lets see, Ive been in the hobby for a little over a year.
Started with a 20g, upgraded to a 55 , bought a 35g bowftont, upgraded the 55 to a 75 .....and now im in the process of downgrading to a 34d Biocube and will soon have a nano frag.Ive decided I love fish, but coral and nanos are my sweet spot.
Its such a fun and exciting hobby, im addicted.

I love the aspect of learning new things, I feel like a biologist at times :p

Research, buying, selling, trading, forums, books, its all fun to me .And Ive never even owned a goldfish before the initial 10g I bought last summer
great community here, hope to hear from all you guys at some point or another
Welcome to CR, sounds like you've got a good sense of humor which will help a long way with helping to laugh off some of the downturns in the hobby.
Speaking of downturns, I just set up a biocube , trying to downgrade my 90g reef set up into a 35 g bowfront and this 34 g biocube.....what a headache and near disaster.

I had my livestock in plastic containers.
Rock,coral and inverts.One of the heaters exploded inside the container and killed all my liverock.
the container housing my lps and nicer corals, well that heater did not keep it at 78° , my coral started sliming when the temp dropped and lost my montipora,CUC, shrimp, and other frags.

What a mess ;o

Hoping what i have in the biocube survives since thee was a mini cycle when i moved my stuff over.the bowfront has been up for 7 months, most of my coral is jam packed in therefor now.