Just kidding tang police, calm down. 
I joined recently,
never joined a reef forum so I guess this means im in deep now.
Lets see, Ive been in the hobby for a little over a year.
Started with a 20g, upgraded to a 55 , bought a 35g bowftont, upgraded the 55 to a 75 .....and now im in the process of downgrading to a 34d Biocube and will soon have a nano frag.Ive decided I love fish, but coral and nanos are my sweet spot.
Its such a fun and exciting hobby, im addicted.
I love the aspect of learning new things, I feel like a biologist at times
Research, buying, selling, trading, forums, books, its all fun to me .And Ive never even owned a goldfish before the initial 10g I bought last summer
great community here, hope to hear from all you guys at some point or another

I joined recently,
never joined a reef forum so I guess this means im in deep now.
Lets see, Ive been in the hobby for a little over a year.
Started with a 20g, upgraded to a 55 , bought a 35g bowftont, upgraded the 55 to a 75 .....and now im in the process of downgrading to a 34d Biocube and will soon have a nano frag.Ive decided I love fish, but coral and nanos are my sweet spot.
Its such a fun and exciting hobby, im addicted.
I love the aspect of learning new things, I feel like a biologist at times

Research, buying, selling, trading, forums, books, its all fun to me .And Ive never even owned a goldfish before the initial 10g I bought last summer
great community here, hope to hear from all you guys at some point or another