Tank Break Down/setup Help.

Hi all,
I've been losing a battle to Majanos for the last 3 months. I've tried all the tricks online to kill these things including a Kalk mix. No luck and they are beginning to take over my tank. I have a 65g JBJ AIO with a mixture of SPS, LPS and Soft corals and also have a flame angel, purple dottyback and clownfish.

I'm planning to set up a temporary tank and keeping the fish in there while taking down the main tank. My plan is to buy new rock and sand, set back up, and re cycle the tank. The temporary tank will just be water and the fish.

A couple questions:
For the temp tank, do I just need a pump and heater?

For main tank. Should I keep some sand and use to seed? I've seen some majanos in the sand so worried about bringing them back over but the few I've seen have been attached to snail shells.

If no sand is used, will I be essentially cycling the tank again like the first time?

I might be looking to get rid of the clown and dottyback. I'm worried of adding all three fish back to a freshly cycled tank. So stay tuned. Willing to sell off corals but should be noted that most are on rocks that have Majonos near them. I'll add some pics so you can see the battlefield.

Appreciate any feedback. Very tough time as the tank has been thriving.
Pictures of majano take over.


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Yes they are tropical fish so I would definitely use a heater. Also you’re gonna have to do a regular water changes frequently so your fish don’t die from ammonia spike.

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Yes they are tropical fish so I would definitely use a heater. Also you’re gonna have to do a regular water changes frequently so your fish don’t die from ammonia spike. Also if not running a filter I would at least put an air stone in on a pump

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Not sure why my edit came across like it did. It was supposed to say if you’re not running a filter definitely use a pump and air stone

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Thanks OceanFreak. I'm well aware a heater is necessary. I wasn't sure if anything beyond those two items were necessary like you mentioned a filter of some sort.
You’re welcome. Also my advice would be If you’re going through the trouble of doing all this I wouldn’t use much from the other tank. that way you take risk out of the Equation.

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Hi all,
I've been losing a battle to Majanos for the last 3 months. I've tried all the tricks online to kill these things including a Kalk mix. No luck and they are beginning to take over my tank. I have a 65g JBJ AIO with a mixture of SPS, LPS and Soft corals and also have a flame angel, purple dottyback and clownfish.

I'm planning to set up a temporary tank and keeping the fish in there while taking down the main tank. My plan is to buy new rock and sand, set back up, and re cycle the tank. The temporary tank will just be water and the fish.

A couple questions:
For the temp tank, do I just need a pump and heater?

For main tank. Should I keep some sand and use to seed? I've seen some majanos in the sand so worried about bringing them back over but the few I've seen have been attached to snail shells.

If no sand is used, will I be essentially cycling the tank again like the first time?

I might be looking to get rid of the clown and dottyback. I'm worried of adding all three fish back to a freshly cycled tank. So stay tuned. Willing to sell off corals but should be noted that most are on rocks that have Majonos near them. I'll add some pics so you can see the battlefield.

Appreciate any feedback. Very tough time as the tank has been thriving.
Why not keep the tank set up while you cycle the new rock in a temp tank. This way you don't need to worry about your livestock while the new rock matures. After a month or two you can change everything out with little worries. Just my 2 cents
I don't get the re set recycle part. Idealy you could just remove the rock work that has majanos and put in new rock that will seed/live with the current set up. No need to create a new tank you already have one running.

I've battled everything from aiptasia to ich to velvet in the past 10yrs.
I think I read you have snail shells. So you had inverts at some point?

I encountered aiptasia about 4yrs ago from live rock I purchased from local online. The rock looked healthy but how aiptasia lives is in tiny rock holes. Then it pops out. Anyway. I also had a bad red slime out break. Manual removal felt like I was loosing the battle with the slime. The aiptasia kept coming back and spread to enough areas that it looked unpleasant. It stung fish and corals..

I decided to dose hydrogen peroxide for the slime. I knew it would kill algae and went for it anyway. It wiped out my whole back wall of purple Coraline(sad years of healthy purple Coraline gone) it also wiped out any green algae the tangs ate. It wiped out the slime out break. But what was odd to me that I didn't expect. Was it also decimated the aiptasia. Completely destroyed the aiptasia. Right down to each nook and cranny. It's been about 6 months since the hydrogen peroxide dose. I'm yet to see any aiptasia normally it would pop it's head back up after 3 days of any attempt to "kill" it. I think majanos are like aiptasia as they are both anemones of sort.

What I would suggest is taking that rock out out. Placing it on a bin. Place a cheap power head in there . And dose couple cap fulls of hydrogen peroxide. 3 days later drop couple more cap fulls. 8 days later take rock work out rinse and and place back into tank it will reseed and go live soon enough.

Can't hurt to try it this way. If you want to keep peroxide out of your display I mean. And have bin to do this. I am positive you will solve your majanos problem this way.