Tank Crash--forced to start over


New member
So as many of you have read both on here and 1reef, my tank finally crashed after battling the issues brought about by Kent Marine, and I lost all my livestock. Just fish, but still.

Forced to start over, but it's better than nothing. I haven't lost my rock or sand thankfully. Coraline algae growth is picking up nicely, and hopefully will be back in the game looking for livestock again in a month or so.

I've decided to let the tank re-cycle basically. I could never find one of my clowns, even afater sifting the sand, which was odd, but I'll just leave him be, and watch my ammonia spike and then dwindle down again. Taking out some of the chemical filtration but leaving the skimmer on.

When I get back in the game, first thing is going to be a nem with a pair of clowns. Hopefully mocha with a green BTA.

Will keep everyone posted. Thanks for all the support.

Oh, and llama
Sorry to hear that man . hopefully you'll be up and running soon . If you need anything man i'm 5 mins away . always here to help
That is really terrible.

Since Kent issued a formal recall, do they have any liability?

KENT Marine Reef Carbon Product Advisory (2/22/12)
There is a quality concern with KENT Marine Reef Carbon manufactured between December 5th of 2011 and February 8th of 2012. The concern is that the batch of carbon contained unusually high levels of heavy metals which have an adverse effect on stony corals and clams in marine settings. KENT Marine Reef Carbon is a virgin coal based carbon that is mined giving it greater adsorption properties. Unfortunately during this mining process, small layers containing heavy metals like copper were introduced into the carbon. This contamination of heavy metals would likely go undetected in freshwater environments and would not affect livestock. However in marine (salt water) aquariums, the effects can be seen in as quickly as a couple of hours to stony corals and clams. Fish and higher invertebrates such as shrimp do not seem to be affected. After removal of the contaminated carbon and dilution by a water change or use of other filtration means, most corals have been able to recover in 2-3 weeks from the exposure.

This carbon is also mainly used for commercial potable and wastewater treatment such as municipal water supplies. These are single pass systems where the water will only pass through the carbon bed once and any residual leaching of metal into the water will be minimal. This is also why carbon is not typically tested for heavy metals; until now. When carbon is used in aquarium settings, the water passes through the carbon bed multiple times increasing the soluble metal in that enclosed environment.

If you have purchased KENT Marine Reef Carbon in the last three months, please refer to the below table to identify the product size you may have purchased and the expiration dates affected.

00027 - KENT Marine Reef Carbon 1lb (1qt)
EX20DEC14 EX21DEC14 EX22DEC14 EX25JAN15 00031 - KENT Marine Reef Carbon 15lbs (5gal)
00028 - KENT Marine Reef Carbon 1.9lb (2qt)
EX05DEC14 EX08DEC14 EX13DEC14 00032 - KENT Marine Reef Carbon 25lbs
00029 - KENT Marine Reef Carbon 4.1lbs (1gal)
EX18JAN15 00681 - KENT Marine Reef Carbon 44lbs
00030 - KENT Marine Reef Carbon 7lbs (2gal)

These expiration dates can be found imprinted on the product label or stamped on the product bottom.

If you have product with an above expiration date, please discontinue use and perform a standard water change. Take the remaining product back to the retailer where it was purchased for a refund or exchange or call a Central Aquatics customer service representative at 1-888-255-4527.

We apologize for the inconvenience this has caused as we want to assure you that we intend to deliver the highest quality products possible. With this development, the quality of KENT Reef Carbon will be produced under new testing protocols.

Again we sincerely apologize for having to bring this quality concern to your attention. If you have any questions about this advisory or any other KENT Marine product, please contact a Central Aquatics customer service representative at 1-888-255-4527.

Best regards,

Scott Rabe
Central Aquatics
Brand Manager Food & Water Care
I think the company should be liable but I'm going to play the Devil's advocate here. They'll make you prove that it was their carbon and nothing else that caused your tank to crash. But I would still contact the company.
Kent is covering all my clean up expenses with a new skimmer (they offered me cash of like $80, but I offered to get a Coralife 125, and they said sure) and then once I get my receipts for my livestock they'll cut me a check for that too.
Kent is covering all my clean up expenses with a new skimmer (they offered me cash of like $80, but I offered to get a Coralife 125, and they said sure) and then once I get my receipts for my livestock they'll cut me a check for that too.

I'm happy to be wrong. :) That is the right thing for Kent to do.
Kent is covering all my clean up expenses with a new skimmer (they offered me cash of like $80, but I offered to get a Coralife 125, and they said sure) and then once I get my receipts for my livestock they'll cut me a check for that too.

It's a shame to hear about you losing that pair of ultra grade picassos and harem of bourbonnais anthias in your tank crash...
well unfortunately you had experienced this but kind got the the best of the worst case ya know keep your head up. I think im crashing right now!! :(