tank is dying fast


New member
I came home earlier to find my heater submerged and shorting out. The temp was at 86 (usually its at 74)Since then all fish and snails have died and the corals are all going downhill quick. They all have secreted some type of mucus and the protein skimmer is skimming like it never has before.

Is a water change my best bet? I'm so pissed off right now!
I wonder if they were electrocuted. 86F isnt that hot. Remover dead animals and change whatever water you have available.

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that is bad Man. I'm sorry. Might want to drop some carbon to soak up some of the nasty in there. 86 is pretty bad but I wonder if the heater popped and released something into the water. Positive thoughts your direction.
Doing a WC might just stress things more as temp needs to match and many other things ..

I say get the tank at normal levels and do your regular WC afterwards. Also try to run wet for a few days

Use other things to bring temp down not to fast but at a steady pace like said above

Run carbon for sure

Yea dont do a wc yet. Take out everything that died, run A LOT OF CARBON, and put some frozen bottles or ice cubes first to get the temp down. Then do as big of a wc u can.
The heater fell into the water and shorted out. At noon today the tank looked great. I left for a few hours and came home to this. The heater was in the water and the water was really cloudy. The fish were swimming back and forth really crazy. Shortly after I removed the heater, the fish were dead and all the corals were just kinda oozing.
86 F is not hot for the tank. My tank was at 92 and I didn't lose anything. Electrocution may be the culprit. Just keep skimming, but dry and just wait. If you have premade saltwater available, I say skim wet and replace top off with the already made saltwater.
Well I swapped out some water and loaded up some carbon. Now I have to sleep for a few hours before I go to work. Ill see how it looks in about 6 hours
Sorry to hear the problem. Time to have a platinum heater (Stainless Steel) and put it in the sum. Hope every thing OK after 6 hours.
Sorry to hear that bud if you decide to not get out I can give ya a few starter corals to help negate the cost of start from.scratch.
Oh wow bro!!! I'm so sorry to hear that. Once you're ready to get back in, I'm sure the community can help get you back started up. Keep your head up Mike.