Terrible mistake


Guys I made a bad choice today. I am selling my mystery wrasse and jumped the gun on adding a yellow watchman to the tank. The watchman was pretty small, smaller than the wrasse by an inch ad a half or so. Well I came home to find that the wrasse had beat the poor guy almost to death. I set up an emergency mesh cage in the tank to house the poor guy. His fins are pretty shredded, but he is still alive. Will these grow back? I have no problems raising him but I don't know if it is more humane to kill put him out of his misery. View attachment 12125
Sure, fins will grow back. Can you QT him somewhere though? The other fish will see him as weak & continue to pick on him. Melafix is great for fin regrowth & preventing infection.
It will grow back use melefix like they said ive used in reef just turn off skimmer til done treating dosent hurt coral or clams or shrimp
Except that fish is already weak & torn up. Perfect target for stronger fish--survival of the fittest.
BTW, SW Melafix shouldn't mess with the skimmer.
What ever puffer what i know ive only used it in my reef and oh yea when i first dosed skimmer went nuts but maybe im lieing for no reason forgot u know it all
My skimmer goes nuts everytime I use melafix. Great product for not only helping fish heal but also as a dip for corals. My suggestion would be to put mystery in your little trap and let the injured fish have the run of tank.
Thanks for the advice guys. As far as a quarantine I currently do not have a tank were I an dose. For now I will just have to put it in the entire tank. I would like to put the wrasse in the cage but I'm worries that the goby will get picked apart in the display
What ever puffer what i know ive only used it in my reef and oh yea when i first dosed skimmer went nuts but maybe im lieing for no reason forgot u know it all
Were you using the SW version? And yes, I do admit I am a bit arrogant but I do know a few things about this hobby, although I will also agree I have been known to be wrong & will admit it when proven so. I've been in this hobby longer than you've been alive. I think Bob Fenner must have thought I knew a little something, since he had me on his WWM crew for so many years. Maybe the folks at TFH & countless other aquarium magazines must have thought something about my knowledge of the hobby, when they asked me to write articles for their mags. Oh and the puffer fish profiles in the Axelrod book: Encyclopedia of Exotic Freshwater Fishes--I wrote them, too. :)
I'm sorry to say. I came home to find that he had died of his wounds. I gave him a proper burial at sea down the toilet. Lesson learned :(