The Dank Tank


New member
Hi everyone its time to show off my 29 gal Biocube.


This is what the tank looked like when I got it


And after my girl decided she wanted to clean it up, about 10 minutes in she didn't think it was fun any more lol



25 LED DIY kit - 16 Royal Blue - 9 White - Both colors dimmable
Fuge in 2nd rear chamber
Lineloc Y splitter on return


Booyah's Black Onyx Clown with RBTA, Purple Firefish, Forktail Blenny, Multicolored Lubbock's Fairy Wrasse, Green Mandarin

Approx. 20lbs Live Rock ( I need more as soon as I find a great looking piece )

Misc. crabs and hitchhiker's...




My Onyx in his nem...


The new Lubbocks Wrasse hanging out in the Ric garden


The Lubbocks and Blenny hanging by the sponge


Firefish hanging with the Wrasse


Saying Hi!

Here is a nice shot of my frogspawn under the RB Led's


Building the LED kit I picked up from Bill @ Reef Led Lights


The way she blows


I got this nifty box with my phone seemed like a good use for it


And the WOW factor only blue led's are on




more to come......
My new rainbow monti from the swap



and under only the blue led's


Here is my little guy I picked up as well


the ricorida garden


My RBTA split a little while ago


geezz..previous owner must have used this tank as a fuge
Im a big ric fan as the zoo and ric garden
Thanks. I need like 10-15lbs more rock or I just need to upgrade to my 60gal cube already. The guy I got it from basically let it sit on a timer for like 8 months no water change just top off I guess looking to xeina up the sides. I got it for a great price and my girl went to town on it
Good old fashion razor blade on the glass and used a plastic credit card like scraper from the LFS for the back wall. Worked out great
You guys should have made it easier on yourselves & soaked newspaper in vinegar & laid it across the coraline overnight. Would have scraped off like butter after that.
Actually it was real easy to get off the tank was up and running when I picked it up so I took it down brought it home filled it with fresh water and it came right off the back wall took me maybe 10 minutes and after I let Anna use a razor blade on the glass it was done in no time. Maybe next time lol
Lol let me start this story off right here lol I get it home and she goes I want to clean it... wish granted and me being me I dont trust anyone with a razor on my glass except me (worked in the glass industry for 6yr) so I had her go at it with the plastic scraper lol after 10 min she had a 4inx4in square done I wasnt paying any attention to it so when I look over I decided to show her the proper way to use a razor blade on glass and told her I will do all corners and edges. like 10 min later she was done and I had all the corners and curves in the glass done in like 5 then the back wall wasnt bad at all with the scraper it came off in chunks after tapping it easy with a hammer.