The Deezill Reef 210


Premium member
Good Morning everyone. I have been waiting to post my thread until I was closer tot he finish mark. I changed my mind after reading the thread "Are we just selling stuff" After reading figure why wait until I finish and just drag you guys along with me for this long journey. Let me give you a little back story on the 210. I decided to upgrade from my 150-gallon xhigh simply because the tank had more height as opposed to length. The dimensions were 48x24x30. When I first got the tank, I was honestly very excited because I was upgrading from a 65-gallon acrylic tank, so I had more room. The 150 looked huge at my LFS. As time went on basically two years later, I wanted a tank that was long so my tangs could swim the length of the tank. This is when I purchased the 180 gallon in March from a fellow CR member. I planned my gear. I pretty much knew all the gear I would purchase except for a skimmer because I plan on using my current one. I began to save for gear since I am an average joe who works for a living. In May of this year my basement decided to flood after 6 years without a drop of water ever seeing inside my basement. I was sick. I call it the great flood of 2019. I ended up having to rip out all my carpets, rip out my drywall from the floor up to 4ft upwards. skipping forward to July, I was able to see my way. I came up with a plan to refinish my basement. before I could think about the basement refinish, I had to resolve some plumbing issues that caused the basement to flood, which was not cheap. Now that the plumbing was done, I could resume my basement refinish and my 180 build. The first thing I did was have a metal stand fabricated. I think I might be done with stands made from wood. Later in July, my family and I decided to take a vacation before school started for my boys. So, get this. I asked my wife did she mind if we killed a couple of hours as we were on our way out of the city and she said why not. So, I opted for lunch and then Aquarium Adventure. lo and behold when we get there, they had a massive sale. One item that caught both of our eyes were the tanks. They had a 210-gallon tank reduced from 999.00 to 769.00 The wife looked at me and says, "this looks bigger than your tank", like a child, I gasped and said it is, it is. She must have forgotten about the 180 in the basement, but hey I kept my mouth closed as she said what seemed like slow motion, “would you like this tank”? I said yes please yes, please. There you have it. My 210 was delivered on after our vacation and my stand was delivered a day later. So now I just have to replace the drywall that was ripped out. I won’t be putting carpet back in the basement again. I will post pics as I progress so you guys can journey along.
Here is a pic of my stand that was delivered as I am smart enough to put up moist resistant drywall green board is what I think its called. it's in my entire basement now.


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I am still working on my basement which I only need to do my floors at this point. I have some of it finished but had to put some of the projects on hold and resolve an issue with one of my two furnaces. but I still progress. I have had the welder come out and lower my tank stand which was 40 inches high which was perfect because of the 180 but too tall for the 210. So now my stand is 30 inches high instead of 40.


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My wife purchased me a Bashsea Sump which saved me from going to Glass Cages like I was going to do but was turned off at how they deliver.


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I painted the back of the tank black. I was not going to do it at first but I am not using my overflow the way it was intended to be used. I am using it so I can have four drain pipes which are 1 inch in size which should give me decent flow. I am run my return over the back my first time painting a tank. Don't laugh at my artwork. I am sensitive :)


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last weekend I started the plumbing on the tank. I do have a color theme which is blue and grey. The only exception here is my 1-inch drain pipes in the overflow are white why do you ask? well, plumbing costs a lost and it won't be seen for the most part. I have 2 Dursos with one being an open channel and the other full siphon.


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My return pump, wavemakers, and light will be powered by Ecotech so I can use one app to control everything. My manifold will run off of a different pump.


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More to come as I finish my plumbing. I had to order more stuff from BRS and I hope to finish this upcoming weekend.
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I will be moving over my current fish from the 150:

Pajama Cardinals x3
Yellow Tang x1
Bistletooth tang x1
Green Chromis x1 (Had 8 they decimated each other)
Azure Damsels x2
Lyretail anthias x3 (Had 4 one went missing never found her)
Firefly x 1 (Had 2 one went missing never found him)
six-line wrasse x1
FileFish x1 (lazy bastard don't eat aptasia)
Clownfish x2

I will be purchasing the following for quarantine:

Yellow tang x4 (We'll see how this works out)
Hippo tang x1 (He'll be in QT the longest)
Sohal tang x1 (Skeptical but a must-have)
Bartlett's Anthias x6
Diamond Goby
Pyramid Angelfish x3 (with all sticks in the tank they should be fine)
Naso Tang x1

So far I have not experienced many fish death with the exception of few that come up missing. I am putting screens on top in case they try to jump out. I don't plan on adding all these at the same time because my QT cant hold them this will happen over time. I might add even more as I have a bigger tank and because sticks don't move, fish provide the greatest movement. I also plan on using my salt which is cheap and works like a charm. No Fritz, No Redsea Coral pro, No Brightwell, No Tropic Marine and not even Reef Crystals. I plan on keeping it simple and going back to basics. I will be using Instant Ocean purple box. That's right nothing elevated just plain IO with RODI.
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