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Ok so pony tank transfer is done for the second time lol now equiped with a skimmer and more of a full specrtrum ligh color so as that settles in the fowlr is coming down out with the 90 in with 75 i just gottasay ihavegreat friendson here that take care of me and big thanks to chewal slimm and jayjerk . So got a non drilled 75 ordered a slim overflow like 22in by 5 1/2 tall but inly 1.5 front to back gotta drill and install bulk heads then silicone . Also gotta figure out plumbing most likely since iver flow is madefor huge tank lol but i wanted longer formore surface skimming im gonna have two drain holes and two return spray bars unless i can figure out how to do 1 spray bar across whole tank still planing everything out honestly usually tanks i have r plug and play some rubber hose and done gonna be first hard plumbed. Will post pics of build as progresses all equip stand hood lights skimmers ato and chiller be same as 90 . The upgrade will be this tank isnt scratched and will be a softie reef leathers and shrooms . Most my fish from fowlr were lost i had 7 left and puffer ate my labouti and my leopard wrasse so made phone call and sold all the fuve fish that where left so will be starting from scratch. Rock needs to be bleached and then might drill and rod it we shall c