The Official EcoTech Radion XR30W LED Thread


New member
Well I finally got them, they are sitting in my house right now waiting for me to get out of this Law School class and go home and install them.

I should have PAR measurements, photos of each preset color, and demo videos of all the "special features" by tonight!!

Please do not make this a thread of why some other brand of LED is better or worse in your opinion. Keep this on track with the EcoTech Radion XR30W. If you want to argue the merits and shortcomings of any given fixture I would be happy to do that in another thread. I have done a LOT of technical research on almost all of the mainstream fixtures.


Very cool.

Once you get them set up and play around with them for a bit, do review in the review forum (or have this thread moved over).

I would love to hear what you think about them and after some time what the long term results are.
Awesome! Looking forward to learning more! I am getting real close to making a purchase decision....
WOW!! Those are going to look really nice. Can't wait to see what par readings you get.
Just got them hung up. I'm going to hold off on a full PAR chart until I get a little more acquainted with them over the weekend.

I currently have them set at 20k for most of the day with a few hours at 12k (all LEDs on) at mid day.

My initial impressions are pretty favorable, but until I can really get into it with the PAR meter and play with all the features I won't really know.



After (20k):

Last night went pretty well using the fixtures for moonlights in night mode as well. I had it set to run only Royal Blue LEDs at 1% intensity.

Night mode is really cool, it also kicked my Vortechs into Night Mode as well.