They're banning condys

good riddance, overgrown aiptasia.... It will be nice to not see shady LFS selling them along with pairs of clownfish to unknowing customers with "nemo" syndrome.
I agree some lfs's start selling them as "premium anemones" and jack the pricing up. When I first got into the hobby long ago, an old lfs sold me one with a clownfish pair, advising that they need each other to host.
Good! Besides, they have such a poor survival rate when they come in bleached, and they often do.
I don't know if I agree with your opinions. But I can agree with what they are doing.

They are not banning Condys on the US. They are simply banning their harvesting until their numbers build. I'd take my Condy over any BTA anyday. It's the favorite coral in my 150 to my entire family.
I'm aware of their banning reasoning, but our opinion come from experience of having them and knowing that they are a tank only species animal unlike other anemones. It isn't safe to keep anything in the tank with it. Yes, it's a beautiful specimen, but not safe nor long lived in our tanks.
Maybe my experience is rare. Cause it has never caused an issue. Out of my 12" Condy, my 15" Carpet, my old 9" Riteri, my old 10" carpet, and my old 5" RBTA... The RBTA Killed my small clown. And the carpets are the only ones my clowns will host.

My Condy even at that size has never grabbed a fish, stung my other corals, or anything else. They will host Sexy Shrimp too.

I think a lot of their dislike is due to bad advice from LFS.