Think about one of this future tank...:)

Look like nice tanks... that 50 gallon complete setup for $650 seems like a steal. Their skimmers are pretty nice for the price. I have one on my 25g Cube.
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My 50 cube is from them ..

i like the tank except the overflow takes up soo much space and renders soo much more space useless ..

their silicone work and glass is nice ... the pump that comes with the tank is useless though .. their skimmers are nice for the price ..

delivery is also good. they guy actually delivered it to the apartment and wasnt really rushing .. but this is like an year ago ..
DSA is no longer in business. It is rumored that the Cadlights "off the shelf" tanks from China are the same tanks as the SCA tanks.
I have the SCA 120 gallon tank. The one thing I would complain about is the return plumping. Everything was metric. Now they are offering 3 drilled holes. The customer service is outstanding as well.
don't bother with cadlights...their customer service is nonexistant and the parts they come with are metric and cheap...if one of the cheap chinese made, proprietary plumbing parts should break on you, good luck getting anyone to reply to any of your emails or voicemails that you're forced to leave because they never pick up the phone...nice tanks when there aren't any problems...if and when problems arise don't expect any help from them