This has got to be bad

I can't remember the name but I also had a little in my tank. I was very committed to remove some everyday and now it's barely there. good luck.
Is it Bryopsis pennata and Bryopsis plumosa???

Yup. Start with Kent magnesium dosing. You will also need to remove all phosphates and nitrates. There are very fish that eat it and they require 180+ gallons minimum, but they're not guaranteed to even touch it.
You can dip in Hydrogen peroxide and it will kill it. Kent magnesium works to, it has copper in it that kills it.
iv been in touch with reef cleaners he seem to think it is fuzzy caulerpa, caulerpa verticalata i sent him a pic and hasnt got back yet. thanks guys just thought i'd get everyones opinion and maybe a suggestion on how to get rid of it
Looks like Feather Caulerpa. I had it bad. I dipped rock in peroxide, it would die and then it just kept coming back. Bought a one spot fox face and it destroyed it. There is none in my tank now
That looks like the dreaded took me months to get rid of it. Kent M magnesium was the final solution after trying various methods. Good luck.
My levels had gotten to around 2600ppm, which was way too high, and had started killing all my inverts, but not the corals. The ideal range to raise it to would be between 1800-1900ppm and keep it there for about 2 weeks. Magnesium rises and drops slowly, so it took a few weeks to get it up there.

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+1 for bryopsis. I had it for years in the past, but Kent Magnesium took care of it. The only thing that ate it for me was a sea hare.