this is definetly not right


Premium member
So I've been fooling with my over flow box to get the gurrgel sound to stop...well the long ans short of it is my ato was kicking on and now I haave a salinity level if 1.021. How much can I boost it daily with out adverse effects. I was thinking of just adding salt water to my ato ands let it build that way.

Please advise

I agree, I once had a salinity of 1.016 and I had to just added saltwater for top off. Took me more than a week to get it back to norm.
I'd just do a couple of water changes with some higher concentration salt water over the next couple weeks. 1.021 isn't that low.
I wouldn't put salt water in your ATO.


any specific reason as to why not ?? i did the same thing .. added salt to my ato water and kept checking the salinity every day .. once it reached the desired salinity i just changed the ATO back to rodi.
i keep all of my ato stuff surgical because it is constantly fed by my RODI and sort of inconvenient to break down for cleaning. I wouldn't want any salt in that system just to prevent the mess and the wear on the components. No reason not to do it that way, but I don't think it has to be that slow. I personally would feel comfortable moving that from 1.021 to my normal 1.026 in one change if I could do the stoichiometry that well, but I'm crazy like that. (I've also done more than that in a matter of hours so I know it's not that crazy, but certainly not ideal)
any specific reason as to why not ?? i did the same thing .. added salt to my ato water and kept checking the salinity every day .. once it reached the desired salinity i just changed the ATO back to rodi.

Not all pumps are created equal, and as we all know salt is rougher on some things then others, we don't know what type of ATO he has, also it's more precise when you are in 100% control of adding the water.
I don't have a top off on either tank so my salinity changes a few hundredths every few days and I haven't had any problems. But I'm sure this would be criticized, and I'm not saying it is best just hasn't killed or hinderd growth for me so I'd be with herbie