This is just awful


New member
OK so I went to Reefplus today and I saw a beautiful mantis shrimp but they wanted $30 dang bucks for him. Here's a pic of this beautiful specimen.

Hey! cut Korky some slack!!! Teen with minimal job opportunities due to his age, not like all you old farts with full time jobs and possibly a spouse that works too!!.
There's a big difference in color and cool-factor between the $19 shrimp and the $50 shrimp. Plus with LA, you have those shipping costs which clearly make it much more expensive that the one that Steve is selling for $30
Your link is for a lime green, not a peacock. That's like saying an achilles tang and a naso tang should be price compatible. Not knocking being poor. I started the hobby when I was 14 and working minimum wage. Never fun, lol, but totally worth it.
Ive seen prices all over the place on these but pretty cool colors on this one so thirty not bad if it heathly
Krocky just get whatever mantis you like!:smile (2): I'm sure you already have a beautiful tank, money is not always everything . Designer corals & $ doesn't = nice.