
As the title implies, moving the 55gal messed up tank to a 120 (4ftx2ftx2ft) that I drilled and am in the process of plumbing. We're just moving across town and I have the luxury of a few days of messing around with the tank. I have a question about sand. Should I just spread the sand thinner or get a few more bags of the ridiculously priced live sand from LFS. I know moving the sand from tank to tank is gunna spike nitrates but going from 55 to 120 gallons I think I'll be able to deal with it. Any input is appreciated.
Sand is super gross when you disrupt it and can release alot of nasties. I would just take a cup or two of your current live sand and then get all new dry sand for the new tank. Use the couple cups of the hold stuff to seed the new stuff. It'll become live very quickly. But put the old stuff on the bottom (new stuff on top) so you don't see mismatched sand.

PS if you want the best dry sand ever, it's Tropic Eden hands down. Can only get it at PA for now.
A lot of other people have different opinions about this.. personally, I have a 150 long and I used my neighbors live sand. He broke his tank down and I washed the sand the next day and used it. I haven't had any problems whatsoever, in fact my tank is thriving from it. So I guess I'm saying you.can do whatever but make sure the tank its coming from is in good shape so you don't transfer bad stuff over.
If you stir everything up before you move it, and then drain it really, really well you'll be fine, but otherwise there will be a TON of junk that will release.

Then, run extra carbon for a week.