This Local Clownfish Breeder Should be Ashamed of Themselves


New member
To replace my clown that died of Brook the LFS that I got him from gave me a pair because there was absolutely no way they could have sold the male. I don't know what local breeder sent this over to them but this fish should have been culled before it ever left the breeders facility.



I'm glad that there are locals out there like Crooks that still care about the quality of fish that leave their growout tanks.
I LOVE my Crooks clowns semi-snowflakes. Absolutely gorgeous body structure, prime example of a hobbiest doing something right!
Sweet stub nose or bulldog

I dont do everything right and sometimes mistakes happen but that also isnt my clown in the pic. More green water helps keep them from smashing the front of their face in during the first couple weeks of their life.
Blake is also an awesome clown breeder.. Extremely healthy, good coloration, and very active and disease free.. Got a black and white misbar frm him.. Its too cool :]