Thoughts on cycling with cheatomorpha linum algea


Well-known member
So i read an article on coral magazine regarding using cheatomorpha algea to cycle a new tank.. So basically what it says to do is one week into setting up the tank and b4 turning on the tank lights.. U should place ur live rock in and a fist full to a ball size clump in the tank.. Has to be put in b4 diatoms begins so it can comepete for co2 and nutrients.. So then we can turn on the lights and leave the chaeto grow unchecked due to the fact that it doesnt attach to live rock or the hard substrate like caulerpa.. So once the cheatomorpha algea has been producing for a couple of weeks it will have absorbed so many dissolved pollutants from the tank that large areas of liverock will be free from microalgea.. After that the tank will be ready for adding corals and live stock..

I thought this was very interesting so im deciding to do this on my new tank im setting up.. Let me knw if u guys have tried this b4 or ur thoughts this
Not sure what will promote the growth of beneficial bacteria without basically some die off. Not trying to argue against it, just curious behind the science. I'd love to find out.
It can't hurt, however it won't combat diatoms that well. They feed primarily on silicates in the sand and rock while the cheato feeds on nitrate and phosphate. Might do something for the hair algae that comes after the diatoms though. Nutrient build up is why I ALWAYS tell people to cycle with their skimmer on and not to wait for water changes until the cycle is over. There is little to no bacteria that inhabits the water column.
I will be using live rock frm my biocube tank and nano cube tank.. I'll be going BB with my new tank.. Will start a new thread when i get home on the tank build...
I will be using live rock frm my biocube tank and nano cube tank.. I'll be going BB with my new tank.. Will start a new thread when i get home on the tank build...

I don't think you will get much of a cycle then Jeff. If you are using all live rock on a bb tank you should have minimal to none cycle action. Now in the other hand if you use dry rock you will. The sand is one of the reasons for the cycle as well. I think you will be ready to start stocking the tank in no time. Don't hold me to it though as you never know how the tank will react.
^^ This. One of the most prevalent reasons that people get a diatom bloom is from using dry sand that has silicates bound up in it. This is one of the reasons that I only add bagged wet sand to an established tank.
I'm in process building my what kind of sand should i use in the sump dry sand or live sand? anyone has macroaglae so i can have some from you? thanks