To epoxy or not...


New member
So is it just smarter to epoxy frags into/onto the rock than to keep moving stuff around hoping it doesn't get knocked over and fall onto another frag?

If I'm upgrading to a larger tank in a few months is it a better idea to get a frag rack and let stuff grow rather than permanent placement now.

Everything is growing and doing well but the hermit crabs and snails knock over and move stuff all the time. I don't want to keep sticking my hand in the tank if I don't need to.

Also, if I epoxy and place stuff on the rock how difficult is it to remove and replace somewhere else? My euphyllias are starting to send out sweepers and I don't want them the jack up the Duncan or Candy Cane or Ricordea.

I've got a Cyphastrea that's doing fairly well too, can I epoxy it under an overhang? Like upside down?
If youre sure that you are upgrading, might as well wait till your new tank before attaching corals permanently. Otherwise I like to secure them with epoxy of glue so they don't get knocked off and die.
I used Aquastik epoxy putty. I think it depends how you use the epoxy and glue.

I took the hammer off of the frag plug and a smaller piece of rock. Took paper towel to blot dry about an 1" of the base of the hammer and sopped up water in the hole of rock. I kneaded the putty, rolled it sorta flat and wrapped it around the hammers base and then secured it into the rock. Added a little bit more epoxy onto the rock and spread it up the base of the coral. Put the rock with coral now afixed back into the tank and haven't had any issues.

I think if you're securing a piece underwater then it may not be as easy. The putty seemed a bit slippery when wet. Seems folks use a combo of epoxy and glue also.

I don't have a skimmer but everything I've read advises to turn yours off as it goes into overdrive immediately. I did a small 2 gallon water change the next night just to be cautious.

I liked using a piece of dead coral rock for the base as it's easier to stick into other rocks. I wanted to be able to move things around still and this works so far.
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