So is it just smarter to epoxy frags into/onto the rock than to keep moving stuff around hoping it doesn't get knocked over and fall onto another frag?
If I'm upgrading to a larger tank in a few months is it a better idea to get a frag rack and let stuff grow rather than permanent placement now.
Everything is growing and doing well but the hermit crabs and snails knock over and move stuff all the time. I don't want to keep sticking my hand in the tank if I don't need to.
Also, if I epoxy and place stuff on the rock how difficult is it to remove and replace somewhere else? My euphyllias are starting to send out sweepers and I don't want them the jack up the Duncan or Candy Cane or Ricordea.
I've got a Cyphastrea that's doing fairly well too, can I epoxy it under an overhang? Like upside down?
If I'm upgrading to a larger tank in a few months is it a better idea to get a frag rack and let stuff grow rather than permanent placement now.
Everything is growing and doing well but the hermit crabs and snails knock over and move stuff all the time. I don't want to keep sticking my hand in the tank if I don't need to.
Also, if I epoxy and place stuff on the rock how difficult is it to remove and replace somewhere else? My euphyllias are starting to send out sweepers and I don't want them the jack up the Duncan or Candy Cane or Ricordea.
I've got a Cyphastrea that's doing fairly well too, can I epoxy it under an overhang? Like upside down?