Too many Trochus snails


New member
I started with 5 trochus snails about 3 months ago. Now I have ~12-15 trochus and 4 margarita snails in a 50ish gallon system.

The tank is pretty new, only about 7 moths old. I started with reef saver and feed lightly, so the tank is pretty clean in terms of algae. Since I've gotten the snails they've destroyed any GHA I had, now there's not much visible algae in the tank. So I'm concerned that the snails might exhaust their food soon. What do you guys think? Can that many snails live off microalgaes alright? Is that too many snails, or am I worried for nothing?

So far everyone I've talked to seems to first assume I've misidentified a pest, but I will put money on these snails being trochus. They look just like their parents, got the mother's eyes and everything.

I'll post pictures for skeptics/curious reefers when I get a chance.