Top 5 Zoanthid Growth Tips

Don't try crazy chemicals bottles IMO... Steady levels, light, food, fish poop and patience is the key...

But the main one to focus on is your levels to stay steady...
Do you guys turn off the flow when you put in azox or just leave everything on?

The flow is low enough in my 180, and retention time in the display tank is pretty good, so I just blast off 8-10 squirts of the stuff into one end and let the vortech distribute it across the tank.
lol, i regularly feed my paly and corals, but when i do. i also try the zoas but they don't close and "catch" the food even when i clearly see a piece of food on them. idk
Load the tank with fish and let em eat fish poop. That's it. And they love "Dirty water" if you know what I mean. ;)
Hmm.. i also have SPS... not sure if they agree with "dirty water"... haha. I'm also running a way oversized skimmer for my size tank...Asm g3 with a 75gal with abuot 90gal of water volume. haha
Palys eat food, zoanthids (small polyps do not). The very best thing I ever do for my zoas is add Vitamin C to my tank every night!
Palys eat food, zoanthids (small polyps do not). The very best thing I ever do for my zoas is add Vitamin C to my tank every night!

Does that help your zoas grow faster and/or give them better color? I would like to try this out if it helps them out. Do I get this from any lfs or is the vitamin c pills from jewel or something?