I've used BRS two part for long time ,recently switched to ESV B-Ionic 2-part.
Personally, I find all the A-B solutions to be incredibly overpriced. I would rather buy a 1G jug of pure Calcium Chloride and mix my own. You can then dose trace elements with a supplement for a fraction of the cost of A-B solutions.
$14/gal for C-Balance 2 part concentrate really isn't that bad considering I still have 1/4 gal of each after 6+ months now, and gave another member a refill on their 2-part once in there. Less than $3/month I think to use it.
This is huge. I had no idea it there was so much savings... Looks like I have to adjust my
Since I mix my own BRS. Which part do I add my trace elements to? And how much trace/gallon?