Transferring sps


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Some may know my setup and that I got a 93 for xmas. What I'm wanting to do is move my sps from the 30 to the 93 and get rid of all the frag plugs. Is it going to be possible to get the encrusted base off the plugs?

Let me know your opinions. Should I just say scree it and put them in the 93 with the plug and just wait for it to encrusting around the plug or just cut it above the encrusting and let it re encrust?
cut base of plug off so you just have encrusted disk, only a saw would cut close enough to look like plug was gone
Yeah I've already snapped the plug part so all of them are just disks now. That's how they are mounted in the 30 just don't like seeing the bright white from the disk here's a pic

Here's a pic of a few of the frags

If you're worried about them dying id say leave them on the plugs and just break off the stems. I've done that before and ive also broke the sps off at the base if there wasnt a ton of encrust on it and glued it right to my rocks.
If you're worried about them dying id say leave them on the plugs and just break off the stems. I've done that before and ive also broke the sps off at the base if there wasnt a ton of encrust on it and glued it right to my rocks.
Not worried about it dying just don't like seeing the white disk but I think I'm going to end up being patient and letting them encrust fully over the plug
What I do for my sps is I use epoxy when I put them on the rock. I put enough epoxy that I can kinda make slopes on the side of the plug so the growth doesn't look exactly like the plug.
Not worried about it dying just don't like seeing the white disk but I think I'm going to end up being patient and letting them encrust fully over the plug

I feel ya, im the same way, i hate looking at plugs and usually snap most of them off and just glue them to my rock. Unless the plug is 90% or fully covered, then i just leave it.
There's about 10 frags that are fresh and haven't started encrusting yet and a couple that are glued to the rocks so those I'll just recut and glue to rocks but for the rest I'll probably leave them on the disk
That seems like a good call. Good news is once they start growing and filling out, you'll never even notice them on frags anyway :)
I never leave on disk critters hide underthe glue sometimes survive the dip i try to always get fresh cut but the ones that r on plugs i cut off even if they r encrusted