Transitioning from Vodka Dosing to Bio pellets


I have been dosing Vodka in my system for a few months. I finally decided instead of doing the daily dosing to change over to a bio pellet reactor. My question is can I just stop dosing the vodka and next day start the bio pellet reactor or should I wean the system down off the vodka then start the bio pellets?

I'm not an expert, but logic around saltwater chemistry tells me its never a good idea to do ANYTHING in a drastic fashion. And you always ramp up bio-pellet usage anyway or you'll strip your system of almost everything.
Thanks, There are no corals in the system only fish so I am wondering if it matters as much. The bio pellets also take a while to start working at full capacity so that ramp may make the change slow enough.
I would recommend to take an old filter sock, still freshly pulled and dirty, put bio-pellets in it to get them going faster with the bacteria. Bio-pellets take several months to fully kick in. Dropping vodka rapidly will boost nitrates quickly.