

New member
i am going to get a trevally aka jack. i dont know what kind yet but i was wondering if anyone has every had them on here. i am looking at a longfin trevally a pilotfish a lookdown and a fusiler. i havent decided which i want yet but i just thought i would see if anyone else has any experience with them.
They are very very cool but you do not have a HUGE tank I would look to a different fish. Many try to combat this problem by using a circular aquarium, but Lookdowns have a habit of rubbing against the wall of the aquarium when they swim. The fish end up dying from a bacterial infection in the wound that this rubbing causes.
have you ever had jacks or the like before?

No I have never owned a tank to properly house them. Like I said before they need a simply enormous tank to avoid pacing and rubbing up against the walls of the aquarium.

You will even see the rubbing issue present in some Lookdowns which are housed in public aquariums.
i agree skull big tank needed i wouldnt put one in my 210 when it was fish only it was highly advised not to buy the store selling them "better left in the ocean" i waas told
i know what everyone says about putting certain fish in certain sized tanks. but if a fish is already out of the ocean some will have it in there aquarium someday. i didnt plan on orderign one but i did see one the other day and decided to get it. he is a tiny trevally. not a golden but they sold it as a longfin trevally i know he will be a big sish someday but he isnt touching the glass. he swims back and forth over the rock piles. he doesnt rub on anything. i figured when he gets to be about 6-9 inches long i would but him in my buddys 700 gallon aquarium then when he got a little bigger around a foot or so i figured we would move him to the shark pond with the other big fish. i got plenty of space and places for him to go as he grows. he is already out of the ocean so i can give him the most room possible.