Tropic Marin Pro Salt

Hey everyone,

Wanted to give people a heads up in case you don't follow BRS or R2R that often. Tropic Marin Pro Salt had a batch issue where some salt was produced in Turkey, and not Germany. The salt in question was not to their standards, and had issues with brown residue appearing after mixing. They have since recalled those particular batches.

There are also some reports of this particular salt crashing entire systems that have been running for years.

Check out this thread on R2R:
Or this video from BRS:
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Wow that's so sick! How does a company like Tropic Marin put their reputation on the line like that? The crashed tanks will definitely set them back, news in our hobby travels fast, it could even ruin them! I, like I imagine most of us, don't really test newly mixed water for much more than temperature and salinity. I'm going to have to change that!
Thanks for letting us know!
I saw this on BRSTv and thought to myself I am glad I use Red Sea Blue Bucket.
How has your experience been with the blue bucket? I usually use reef crystals but the price differences are no longer as good as they used to be, so I'm curious if the $10-15 for a bucket is worth it.
The blue bucket is great. My alk is 8.5 the way I like it cal is great I do like my Mg higher than 1350 more like 1450 so I supplement from time to time. Blue bucket mixes fast
I have no complaints. I started using it after and ICP test recommended Tropic Marin which I tried but I did not want to keep spending 100 bucks a bucket. But the blue bucket price is right at 80 dollars for 200g mix. I do like the increased potassium to help those corals that are blue and purple too. My biggest issue with TMP was justifying the price. I sometimes do 80gallon water changes which are about 33% for me. I started out with Instant Ocean purple box tried TMP for a month. I also ran into the problem of it being out of stock which was the straw that broke the camel's back and been a blue bucket fella since then. so far so good. I am not looking back.
I am a TM user myself and am waiting to find out if my batch is affected and what their actions are. As of now I'm not seeing the brown residue but if this is why some of my corals are not coming out, I'm going to be in a world of hurt coming from 'Ol trusty Reef Crystals.

Took a peek at the R2R thread and cant believe Ryan (chumminghamsreef) was affected too!