Trouble with tangs


New member
I just realized today that yet another tang has disappeared. I'm not sure why but I have had no luck with keeping tangs. The latest victim was a great looking powder blue. Over the years I have tried housing various yellows with no luck. I had a Vlamingii that lasted about a year and a half and then he just vanished one day.

It's weird because I have other fish in the tank that have been there for at least 3 years with no problems.

I have only had small gobies do that,never a bigger fish,do your best to look and see if you might have a predatory work or something in ur tank.
I agree with Gus, check for predators. Also where do you buy your fish from? Ive been noticing over the years that the tangs i have bought from different fish stores seem to parish quickly, like they were caught with cyanide. Otherwise my established tangs from other members lived for a long time! Wiz.
What type of predators are you guys talking about? I have bought from various stores over the last few years with the same result. My best luck has been from global aquatics. That's where I got the vlamingii from and I still have a blue hippo that I got about a year ago. The blue hippo was only about the size of a quarter when I got it. and it's now about 4 inches.
It could be anything, but i my guess would be either a mantis shrimp or eucid worm as they could do that much damage.
If you have a built in overflow get a flashlight and look in there. A big powderblue should not just disapear that quick unless you have a heck of a clean up crew.I was able to keep a Powder Blue 7 years till I did a tank over hall and it got injured and died soon after.
If you have a built in overflow get a flashlight and look in there. A big powderblue should not just disapear that quick unless you have a heck of a clean up crew.I was able to keep a Powder Blue 7 years till I did a tank over hall and it got injured and died soon after.

We had a blue jaw go missing for 6 weeks and found him in the overflow happy and alive.
Well it's been a few days and still no sign of the tang. He's not in the sump or overflow either. How would I know if I had a mantis shrimp? How do I find it and then catch it. I have about 175 lbs of lr in the tank so if it is in there It could be hiding anywhere.
how big is your tank you could try a trap even tho if it's a shrimp they are pretty intelligent it might work I used uncooked shrimp caught every crab in my tank lol and a cleaner
The tank is 125 gallons and like I said there's about 175 lbs of rock. I think I'm gonna set up red lights over it tonight and see If I can spot anything moving around.