Troubled nem


New member
This nem doesn't seem to want to stay put. He inflates and eats. Today I caught him floating and seen this. What would cause a big hole in its foot under the mouth.
I'll be watching this one---to see if anyone knows whats going on with the foot. But I had a nem floating around too ---so I turned all the flow off for a couple hours and found a nice indented rock area and she finally stayed put. It was a bubble tip too.
Yes rbta mouth wasn't gapping and it was eating but it looks damaged. I split it to fry and force it to heal.
let us know how the splits are doing. dont try to feed them for about 3 or 4 weeks. if your keeping them in a container make shure theres good water flow.. good luck !! they should be fine..
So far so good. They are staying put. The one side looks a little better than the other but that seems to be a trend in my experience! I'll update a pic later