Try and Try again -Eye candy

William Lutman

Active member
So I continue to use Elements 11, and play with Lightroom 4

Amazing how hard it is to get a really good shot.

From my frag tank today:
What lighting u have? LEDs right? Send me an email with one of ur raw images. or store on Dropbox or something so I can grab it... I'll mess with it. Just need to fix ur WB and shots look good
I've used a piece of white plastic placed in the tank for adjusting my camera's white balance. It works okay but I would like to learn to use photo software better. (Then I could really touch up pics and completely overcharge for common corals. lol)
Canon has software call Digital Photo Professional. Is it come with your camera? If not you may download from Canon USA (maybe not). It's a good software. Your len is Canon 100 Macro? You are too far away, if not I can stop by let you use my len. Picture color look good but some how look like out of focus. Don't use the matrix use the Spot focus the it will be better.