Turn over rate


New member
Just want to get a general average on people's mixed reef turn over rates per hour. Lmk what you all have or think is ideal. Thanks
Looking forward to this, as I've heard very wide range of opinion!

Most recently, one I had not heard before, match it to your skimmers capacity and use power heads for flow needs of the inhabitants.

Guessing most of us turn our tanks over way more than our skimmer rating!

Tagging along~

on my 210 i get around 4x thru sump per hour . my skimmer is 2x perhour , in tank turnover varies but while all is on full power is around 35x the volume of my dt tank only
I have 2 Jebao wp40 turning on alternating shifts on oposite sides of my tank every 2min, giving my tank about 3,400 gph of flow. Then I have my Eheim 1262 giving about 900 gph of flow into the tank. I think my total turnover rate is 53x my tank volume of about 80gallons. I think I calculated that right :)
I'm just talking about tank to sump n back. Relying only on the return pump. Power heads are for flow not your return pump, what I was always told anyways.
Turnover rate includes your circulation pump. I was always told it's your total gph flow into the tank. if your tank isn't getting mixed right with high enough flow, then you are not getting all the crap water into your sump for filtering. Especially if you have a SPS tank, your turnover should include all your flow.
Looking forward to this, as I've heard very wide range of opinion!

Most recently, one I had not heard before, match it to your skimmers capacity and use power heads for flow needs of the inhabitants.

Guessing most of us turn our tanks over way more than our skimmer rating!

Tagging along~


If you are strictly talking about flow rates through your sump, than only the amount your skimmer is rated for is needed. I guess if you use filter socks have some additional flow won't be a waste as it will get filtered via the sock, but not the skimmer. I don't think it is a bad thing to have a higher flow rate through your sump, but it isn't necessary and is more likely to cause micro bubbles. The other con to have higher flow rates through the sump is the potential of pumping faster than your drains can handle. Flow inside the tank should come from powerheads or a closed loop, unless your tank is small enough that just the return pump alone is enough. As for how much flow inside the tank you need will depend on the livestock you keep. Every coral needs enough flow to move the polyps, but some like SPS like a higher flow rate. I think just as with lighting we over do flow rate as well.
ill chime in again ,since i started this hobby about 2 full moons ago , when talking turnover ive always been told to not rely/count return pump since this is only for filtration purposes . (for in tank turnover)yes it does add flow but nothing like out powerheads which are used to mix the tank. i try to get as close as possible to my skimmer (sump turnover only return pump)because thats whats pulling alot of the crap out of the water . pull water past skimmer too fast and it doesnt have enough time to filter the water . ive always tried to follow this rule and worked out great . just my .02 and what i e been told .
So the confusing part to me about matching you skimmer is the number is often perceived as 'over rated' (i.e. Rated for 150g and folks use it on a 75g tank).

Should you be turning over 75gph, 150gph, or 450gph(6x)???

Fairly sure the majority of tanks I've seen are closer to 6x....and that the skimmer manufacturers warn about going 'too big' as to not have enough waste to precipitate out (i.e. An 10" barrel will struggle on a 75g to produce waste).


So the confusing part to me about matching you skimmer is the number is often perceived as 'over rated' (i.e. Rated for 150g and folks use it on a 75g tank).

Should you be turning over 75gph, 150gph, or 450gph(6x)???

Fairly sure the majority of tanks I've seen are closer to 6x....and that the skimmer manufacturers warn about going 'too big' as to not have enough waste to precipitate out (i.e. An 10" barrel will struggle on a 75g to produce waste).



I think your getting the rating confused with gph flow on the skimmer. Manufactures rate skimmers for a particular size tank (75g and 150g rating you said). The flow everyone is referring to is gph. What you do is find out how many gph your skimmer pump draws in and match that to your return pump. IMO less is better, my skimmer pulls about a 100gph more than my return pushes through my sump.