Looking forward to this, as I've heard very wide range of opinion!
Most recently, one I had not heard before, match it to your skimmers capacity and use power heads for flow needs of the inhabitants.
Guessing most of us turn our tanks over way more than our skimmer rating!
Tagging along~
So the confusing part to me about matching you skimmer is the number is often perceived as 'over rated' (i.e. Rated for 150g and folks use it on a 75g tank).
Should you be turning over 75gph, 150gph, or 450gph(6x)???
Fairly sure the majority of tanks I've seen are closer to 6x....and that the skimmer manufacturers warn about going 'too big' as to not have enough waste to precipitate out (i.e. An 10" barrel will struggle on a 75g to produce waste).