turnover question


Active member
Hey guys i have a quick question i am gonna set up ethier a 90 or a 120 tank most likely a 90 if i use a mag 24 as my return with out any of my 4 vortecs am i going to have too mich flow from return alone or you think ill be fine
If the mag24 is on the same floor as the tank, you'll be cleaning up the mess when the tank overflows. I doubt any overflow sized for a 90g tank would keep up with that much flow. Without knowing what skimmer your using, a rough estimate of around 6x turnover rate would be about 500-550gph at the return is what you should aim for, and run the powerheads. Now, if you want to use the mag24 as a closed loop pump, that would be a good size pump to run four 1/2" closed loop returns thru out the tank.
Thats a strong pump if not trying to push water up a floor.. Hope this tank will be drilled...

This is just me

Do a bean overflow and 3 returns or more to distribute flow around the tank. Also have plumping done if you decide to run reactors..

This will avoid power cords and unneeded PH

Hope you get my idea ;)
That will be too much water for your overflow to handle. Your dislay tank will likely overflow. Try to trade the mag 24 for either a mag 12 and maybe another smaller pump, so you have a spare or use the small pump for a reactor.
Didnt look at links yet but i will i was going to do bean with inch and a half drains tank will be same floor unless i put somewhere in bsmnt bit would be too far i think maybe i will try and trade but problem is i will need tank functioning very soon im gonna keep eyes open for pump in meanwhile thanks guys keep ya posted when the water starts flowing