Tyree's skimmerless system


New member
I was browsing Reef Farmers website coz I'm looking for sponges to seed my tank. I was reading their page on the sponges and they were talkin about how they run their reef farmers systems without skimmers. They just use a bunch of sponges and other tunicates to filter the water. Now I don't know how stocked their tanks are, if there are even any fish in their tanks that would need the protein skimmers.
Has anyone ever researched about Tyree's aquariums and how they run it?
I always thought you could run a skimmerless system as long as you were religious about weekly water changes.
Well I run my nano skimmerless, but I do weekly water changes. I'm just curious to see how often they do water changes with all the sponges and tunicates in his system. I might take Eric's advice and email him.
Steve's a really nice guy, I've placed a bunch of orders from him.
If you have questions he'll probably answer them. He's just a normal guy who knows quite a bit about the hobby (and how to run a business :D ).
Like with everyone in the hobby though, I wouldn't overly bug him. ;)