unhappy leather coral


this leather has not perked up since moving into the 45 and now I can see a very thin clear film that is surrounding it. You can pretty well see it in the second quadrant of the leather in the picture (top right). It's right next to a goni a paly colony and a BTA that are all just fine and dandy. This leather usually has tons of white polyps that extended during daylight. Since the move 5 days ago it has never inflated all the way or extended the polyps. Is this a normal sloughing off process when they are stressed, or should I be surgically removing it from the rock because it is decomposing?

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I thought i remember hearing/reading somewhere that a white film is caused from not enough flow
oh and one of my tiny baby ocellaris is hosting in it because the slightly larger one won't let him in my BTA. Is that a potential irritation?
it is shedding . i had em do that when i moved em think some kind of defence mechanism . mine grows with out shedding just does it when i move it. think cause in wild low tide sometimes expose some corals so the secrete stuff to protect them from the sun