Unhhappy SPS


New member
So just over two months ago I decided to give SPS another shot in this nano and picked up a Poker Star Monti, and slimer frag, and a birdnest frag, they all did good, the birdnest ecrusting and starting to grow another brnach from the encrusting, the monti slowly encrusting, so after a month I picked up another pair of acro frags.

Well about two weeks ago I lost the slimer from the base up, and losing another acro frag, and the birdnest does not have the insane extension it used to.

I have done weekly waterchanges of 3 gallons for the last 4 months.

Over the last two weeks the water parameters have been as follows

Ca- In the 3 tests ranges anywhere from 450-490
Kh- 8.5-9
Mg- Has been 1450, 1430, 1400
Phosphates and Nitrates have read 0 the entire time.

Only changes to the tank since I have got them was adding 2 other small acro frags that were not near enough the other's a pistol shrimp and a couple of bumble bee snails. The pistol is never anywhere near them though as they are all near the top half of the tank.

Any other idea's? Or tests to run?
Does your sg remain stable? Smaller tanks can have significant sg swings if there's no ATO. Have you been testing your ph?
SG is stable I top off daily and there is maybe 12-16 ounces of evap a day. I forgot to list my ph tests and they have come in at 8.1 when I get home from work and 7.8 in the morning before lights come on(the kit is api and its almost gone so I am going to be buying a new one this weekend).

Lights are a Par 38 12 3w cree's, which has been there the whole time.
Everything sounds okay to me. I've lost sps for no apparent reason before and haven't been able to pin-point a reason. Maybe someone else might have an idea....:questionmark:
Everything sounds okay to me. I've lost sps for no apparent reason before and haven't been able to pin-point a reason. Maybe someone else might have an idea....:questionmark:

I also plan on taking some water to mcf to see if they can test for me to ensure nothing is off in my test kits....the thing that is the most bizzare is the pokerstar is perfect happy, has grown slowly but its growing and the birdsnest is still happy and growing(just not with quite the same PE, but its still all puffed up and happy).
Bought new Ph, nitrate, phosphate, alk, and calcium test kits....same results Sg remains stable have checked in the moring before work, and at night when I get home from before topoff.

Bumping for any ideas, 2 lost sps and not wanting to lose any more.
just saw this, what is your water? rodi? do you buy premixed water or do your own? anything that could have fallen in the tank?
Ro/DI, I mix my own, the tank is in an area where nothing could just accidently fall in...the birdnest is still super happy as is the pokerstar monti, however I do have one acro frag left, very minimal PE, directly under the lights, in a very high flow area.