Upgrading from Biocube to 120 - Advice


New member
Just picked up a 120 (48x24x24) and will be upgrading from a 29 biocube. I'm hoping to get your thoughts on if this will work and prevent the 120 from going through a cycle. I've cycled a few tanks, but never transferred from one to another. Thanks in advance for the help!

1. Add 75lbs of new marco rock & 120lbs of new CaribSea Seafloar special grade sand to the 120.

2. Transfer 5lbs of sand, 25lbs of rock, and 35 gallons of water from the cube to the 120. Transfer a quart of Marine Pure bio balls from the cube to the 120 Sump. Biocube has been running for a year. I'll do a water change a couple days before in order to get the 35 gallons. Biocube sand is fine grain so I don't want to transfer too much to the new tank.

3. Fill the 120 and Sump the rest of the way with Red Sea Salt RODI water and add 50ml (treats 75 gallons) of Bio-Spira.

4. Add 1 Goby, 1 clownfish, 1 shrimp, and the CUC from the biocube to the 120.

5. Add a cube of mysis twice in the first week while watching the parameters. Begin running the skimmer and add Chaeto after 10-14 days if the parameters look good.

6. Add a new fish after 3 weeks, pending parameters.
If you're in no rush just wait until the 120 cycles and add the livestock, skimmer and chaeto. And I wouldn't transfer any water from the 29; there's no or very little nitrifying bacteria in it.
When I moved from bc29 to rsr350 I let the new tank cycle. Used all new water. Made sure salinity, temp alk, calc, mag matched after cycle and moved fish and coral and live rock from old tank right in there without a problem. good luck!